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Water Test Kits
Our single-use Drinking Water Tests Kits are easy-to-use, affordable and they provide accurate & instant results at home, in the field, in remote areas or on-site. Our water test kits are reliable and give complete peace of mind. Got a question about water testing? Try our complete list of Free Resources. Here are the most frequently read guides: How to choose the right Water Testing Kit – compare our multi-packs Chose the right Water Testing Kit for a water improvement & purification system, water cooler or a pool, spa or hot tub Drinking water testing and how to understand the results of your Home Water Test Kit Do you have unusual colours, smells and taste from your water? How to test a leak in your property to establish whether it is from tap or ground water Do I need a water softener and how can I test if my water softener is working – tests for water softeners We offer a range of kits to test multiple elements – compare our single use kits , laboratory kits and photometers How to test the quality of Open Water for bathing or swimming How to test for Legionella in water and biofilms…
Water Test Kits
9-in-One Water Quality Test Kit
5-in-One Water Quality Test Kit
Not sure which is the right water testing kit for you? Click here to compare our range of multi-pack options.
Choose between: pH & Alkalinity Test Kit with 50 test strips, ideal for to test for these two crucial elements in one test SimplexHealth 5-in-1 with 25 test strips, each testing the pH, Total Alkalinity, Nitrate, Nitrite & Total Hardness of your water
Coliform bacteria are a commonly used bacterial indicator of sanitary quality of water. Use the easy-to-use and reliable test kits to test water for bacteria: SimplexHealth Water Bacteria Test: detects harmful coliform bacteria with simultanuous E.coli detection. Easy to use presence/absence test of 1CFU per 100ml, contains 1 test. Easy Coliform Bacteria Test: detects harmful coliform bacteria in drinking water. Easy to use presence/absence test of 1CFU per 100ml, contains 2 tests. Watersafe Bacteria Test Kit: detects harmful coliform bacteria in drinking water. Easy to use presence/absence test, contains 1 test. Hydrosense Rapid Legionella Test – One Ultra: test kit to check for Legionella bacteria LpSg1, no training or expertise required. Contains 1 test. Hydrosense Rapid Legionella Test – Pro Ultra: test kit to check for Legionella bacteria LpSg1-15, no training or expertise required. Contains 1 test. Pool & Spa Bacteria Test: designed to test E.coli, Pseudomonas and many other forms of bacteria in pools & spa within 15 minutes. Contains 10 test strips. Laboratory tests can analyse a wide range of bacteria (microbiology): including coliform/E.coli, enterococci, pseudomonas, TVC & legionella. Read more or view the full range.
Chlorine Dioxide
Free Chlorine
Chlorine in water may be present in two forms, free and combined: Free chlorine does the hard work of killing bacteria and oxidising contaminants. When you add chlorine to water, you are actually adding free chlorine. When the free chlorine combines with contaminants, it becomes combined chlorine, or chloramines. In water, this form of chlorine has very little sanitising ability and no oxidising ability. Total chlorine is the sum of both – combined chlorine and free chlorine. Levels of chlorine should be kept as low as possible whilst still ensuring the quality of the water. Testing for free as well as total chlorine is important, to ensure that the correct amount of sanitiser is being added to water. Choose the free Chlorine test, depending on the range you want to cover, ie. the level of chlorine added at the water treatments works is usually up to 1 ppm (mg/l). Your local swimming pool will normally have a concentration between 1.5 and 5 ppm (mg/l).
Chose between: Hardness Test Kit with 50, 20 or 10 test strips, ideal for water softeners Use a Chloride test – to check the amount of salt added to the water by a water softener 5-in-1 Kit with 25 test strips, each testing the Total Hardness, pH, Total Alkalinity, Nitrate & Nitrite of your water 5-in-1 Kit with 50 test strips, each testing the Total Hardness, pH, Total Alkalinity, Free & Total Chlorine of your water Hardness Yes / No Tablets with 10 or 250 tablets 3in-1 Kit with 5 test strips, each testing the Total Hardness, pH and Total Alkalinity of your water Do I need a water softener and how can I test if my water softener is working – tests for water softeners
Use the easy-to-use and reliable test kits to test for lead: Watersafe Water Lead Test Kit: Test for lead in your drinking water above or below 5ppb (the equivalent of one drop in a large swimming pool). Quick Test Kit for Lead – range (1 test): Tests the level of lead in water (not recommended for tap water due to the high detection levels), but also urine, saliva, dust, dirt, paint, rice, milk, food, dishes, glasses. This test will give an indication about the amount of lead included with a sensitivity of 0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 ppm (parts per million). Lead Test Kit for Soil – check your garden soil for lead. Each packs includes 5 tests and results available within 10 minutes. Lead Test Kit for Paint – check paint for lead. Each packs includes 10 tests and results available within 10 minutes. eXact® LeadQuick – Photometer for Lead in Water – the expert device for regular testing of lead in water. Laboratory test to check for lead in water: UKAS accreditation (accredited to ISO/EC 17025:2017 & includes UKAS certification for bacteria analysis of potable as well as water from spa & pool) Laboratory test…
Our team of experts is available to answer your questions, provide assistance with kit usage, and offer recommendations for water management best practices. We believe in building lasting partnerships with our customers, supporting them in their commitment to creating safe and healthy environments. Legionella Health Risks: Symptoms may include high fever, cough, muscle aches, and shortness of breath. In severe cases, it can lead to pneumonia and be fatal. Legionella Regulations: In the UK, the Health and Safety Executive’s Approved Code of Practice, L8, provides guidelines for the control of Legionella bacteria in water systems. Compliance with these regulations is mandatory for organisations to ensure public health and safety. Preventive Measures: Regularly carrying out a Legionnaires water test is part of a broader risk management strategy to prevent Legionella contamination. Implementing preventive measures, such as temperature control, water treatment, and system maintenance, is essential to minimise the risk. Legionella is a bacteria, which can cause a pneumonia-like disease called “Legionnaires’ Disease”. Legionnaires’ Disease is fatal in approximately 10% of people infected. Infection occurs when the bacteria is inhaled from aerosols of contaminated water. Aerosols can be produced anywhere water is splashed or sprayed, but some of the most common sources…
Whilst some metals are essential for life and are naturally available in our food and water, metals in drinking water can cause chronic or acute poisoning. Trace amounts of metals enter our water supplies naturally as rain percolates through rock; dissolving minute quantities into the water. This water enters larger water areas, which we then use as resources for drinking water. Contamination of our water resources by poisonous metals also occurs due to human activity. These activities include industrial processes, such as electronics and mining, agricultural activities, and discarding of wastes in landfills. The young are more prone to the toxic effects of heavy metals, as the rapidly developing body systems in the fetus, infants and young children are far more sensitive. Metals can also enter water through copper or lead pipes in the plumbing system. Just to give a few examples: Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are required for normal body functions. Cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and zinc are needed at low levels as catalysts for enzyme activities. Drinking water containing high levels of these metals: aluminum, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver, may be hazardous to your health.
Nitrate & Nitrite
In this section you can find test kits, which test for Nitrate/Nitrite only or which contain tests for Nitrate/Nitrite amongst other tests.
pH Level
In general, a water with a pH 7 is considered alkaline. The normal range for pH in surface water systems is 6.5 to 8.5 and for groundwater systems 6 to 8.5 whilst rain water has a pH of 5.6 or lower (slightly acidic). You can identify the source of water by testing the pH. Also to ensure your drinking the best water as possible a pH test should read 7 or more. Test the pH of water with the following tests: pH & Alkalinity Test Kit (50 test strips), ideal for ionisers Wide Range pH Test Kit (50 test strips), wide pH range of 2 – 12, ideal to compare different water sources SimplexHealth 5-in-1 (25 test strips), each testing the pH, Total Alkalinity, Nitrate, Nitrite & Total Hardness of your water Full Range pH Test Kit (100 or 150 test strips), wide pH range of 0 – 14, universal Precise range pH Test Kit (100 test strips), pH ranges 5.5 – 9.0 or 3.8 – 5.4, universal Litmus Paper (5 meter roll), pH ranges 0 – 14, 4.5 -7.5, 5.5 – 9, universal Liquid Reagent pH test drops (15ml), designed to test water & saliva, pH range of 4…
Sanitizer Test Kits
Sanitizing solutions are used in a wide range of industries including hotel, food and beverage industry. Ensuring the correct amount of sanitizer is present is vital. To make testing of sanitizing solutions easy, we offer various test strips which are easy to use. The strips can test for free chlorine, chlorine dioxide, peroxide, ozone and others; each covering a wide range of testing levels.
Total Chlorine
Chlorine in water may be present in two forms, free and combined. Free chlorine does the hard work of killing bacteria and oxidising contaminants. When you add chlorine to water, you are actually adding free chlorine. When the free chlorine combines with contaminants, it becomes combined chlorine, or chloramines. In water, this form of chlorine has very little sanitising ability and no oxidising ability. Total chlorine is the sum of both – combined chlorine and free chlorine. Levels of chlorine should be kept as low as possible whilst ensuring the quality of the water. Use a total chlorine test to establish the total amount of chlorine in water (= the sum of combined and free chlorine). Choose the total Chlorine test, depending on the range you want to cover, ie. the World Health Organisation has set a health based guideline maximum value of 5ppm (mg/l) for chlorine as a residual disinfectant in drinking water. Typically water companies keep the level of residual disinfectant in the form of free or combined chlorine to 0.5 mg/l or less.
Laboratory Analysis
We work with a UKAS (in accordance with ISO 17025) and BS17025 accredited laboratory. This unique facility provides quick, accurate and accredited analysis of water*. Arranging a laboratory analysis is very easy and our service includes everything required to carry out this analysis. Laboratory testing is available in 5 simple steps: We offer a range of kits to test multiple elements – compare the laboratory kits here. UKAS approved bacteria testing follows strict guidelines in terms of storage, test procedure and evaluation of results – giving peace of mind for every test result. Some companies might offer expedited results, but these might not comply with UKAS guidelines. *UKAS certified tests available for microbiological for bacteria testing of potable, spa & pool water and lead analysis. Our water Laboratory tests are used widely by individuals, businesses, universities and charities:
Laboratory Analysis
Bacteria Analysis Microbiological
Not sure which bacteria test to chose? View here for guidance on how to find the correct bacteria (microbiological) analysis for your needs.
Drinking Water / Potable Water
Create your own customised potable water analysis suite or use one of our kits to test multiple elements – compare the laboratory kits here.
Well Water Analysis
Heavy Metals Analysis
Create your own customised potable water analysis suite or use one of our kits to test multiple elements – compare the laboratory kits here.
Legionella is a bacteria, which can cause a pneumonia-like disease called “Legionnaires’ Disease”. Legionnaires’ Disease is fatal in approximately 10% of people infected. Infection occurs when the bacteria is inhaled from aerosols of contaminated water. Aerosols can be produced anywhere water is splashed or sprayed, but some of the most common sources associated with Legionnaires’ Disease are cooling towers and showers. We offer two types of tests: Reliable and easy to use self tests (field tests) Accurate and fast laboratory tests To find out more about Successful Legionella Testing, click here.
Pools, Spa & Hydropool Analysis
Regular UKAS approved microbiological monitoring of pools, spas & hot tubs is important to comply with regulations. For example see Control of legionella and other infectious agents in spa-pool systems by HSE*. Vital monitoring tests include: Bacteria analysis (4in1) including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Coliform bacteria, E.coli and Total Viable/Aerobic Colony Count (TVC/AVC) Legionella analysis * Please note, that our recommendation is only a guidance and may not be complete. Please inform yourself about local/industry specific regulations which apply to you. We cannot accept responsibility and liability of any kind which may result from the application of this information.
Browse by Use
Boats and Marine
Comply with regulations, which came into effect August 2013, and test ships’ drinking water (potable water) regularly. For more information, read our guide. Benefits of SimplexHealth water testing kits: Long shelf life – usually 8 months to 1 year Instant results, no waiting time (except for bacteria test 24hrs – 48 hrs) Everything included to complete the water tests No special training or expertise required Easy to understand results No need for calibration or any additional equipment No glass ampoules to break, no mess Monitoring solutions for water with optional extras
Drinking Water Testing
You can test the water in your home with our easy to use water test kits, test strips or laboratory water analysis. Our Dip-Wait-Read method water test kits are perfect for on the spot results and suitable for: fresh water samples, including water from taps, wells, springs, boreholes, ponds as well as rain water. Each kit includes full instructions, colour charts or guide, allowing you to identify any issues with your water quality so you know how to correctly treat the water. Click here for our full range of water test kits Arrange for your water to be laboratory tested. Working with a UKAS (in accordance with ISO 17025) accredited laboratory for microbiological analysis we provide everything required to carry out water laboratory analysis. Click here for our full range of water lab tests Got a question about water testing? Try these free guides: How to choose the right Water Testing Kit How to choose the right Water Testing Kit for a water improvement & purification system, water cooler or a pool, spa or hot tub How to understand the results of your Home Water Test Kit Do you have unusual colours, smells and taste from your water? How to…
Legionella Water Testing
Legionella is a bacteria, which can cause a pneumonia-like disease called “Legionnaires’ Disease”. Industries specially at risk: Spa, Pools & Hot tubs – at home or in the gym, hotels, cruise ships Hospitals and care homes Hotels & Hospitality Facilities Management Car Washes2 Shipping – cruise ships and container ships Water tanks and storage in remote areas Domestic Water Systems We offer two types of Legionella water testing options: Reliable and easy to use Hydrosense Rapid Legionella water testing kits for home or field use Hydrosense Legionella Tests are rapid for detecting Legionella. They use Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Assay (LFICA) technology, exactly the same used in COVID and pregnancy tests – giving quick, accurate and reliable on the spot results. Accurate and fast Legionella laboratory water tests There is a duty of care in the UK to perform routine analysis of water samples for the presence of Legionella, a group of organisms that cause pneumonia like illnesses particularly in those that are elderly or immunocompromised. Arranging a UKAS Accredited laboratory analysis for Legionella is very easy and our service includes everything required to carry out this analysis. Results available within 10 days. To find out more about Successful Legionella Testing,…
Pond & Aquarium
We offer a wide range of professional and eay-to-use Pond and Aquarium tests for fresh as well as marine water. They are reliable, accurate and ideal for regular as well as occasional users. Please also refer to the section Water Test Kits for our full range of ‘Dip-Wait-Read; test strips and section Digital Water Testers for our full range of photometers and reagents.
Pool, Spas & Hot Tubs
It is vital to ensure high water quality in your pool, spa or hot tub. Test water regularly to ensure the correct amount of sanitiser is present and there are no bacteria and other contaminants. Option 1 Single use and disposable test strips: Using these Dip-Wait-Read test strips for completing your Spa and Pool checks is by far the quickest and easiest way. They are economical, provide results in seconds, accurate and easy-to-use. These reliable visual test strips quickly report conditions for many water parameters, and are a great alternative to liquid kits. Option 2 Photometer: Ideal for customers, who test the water in their pool regularly and want quick and accurate results. The test results are displayed on the photometer. Option 3 Laboratory Test: detailed laboratory analysis for various parameters Find out more: How to look after your hot tub safely and test the water regularly
Private Water Supply / Well Water
Many home owners receive their water from private ground water wells. Regulations that protect public drinking water systems do not apply to privately owned wells. As a result, owners of private wells are responsible for ensuring that their water is safe from contaminants. As all private wells use ground water, if polluted ground water is consumed, it could cause illness. Ground water pollution can be caused by seepage through landfills, failed septic tanks, underground fuel tanks, fertilizers and pesticides, and runoff from urban areas. It is important that private ground water wells are checked regularly to ensure that the water is safe for drinking. Got a question about water testing? Try these free guides: How to choose the right Water Testing Kit How to understand the results of your Home Water Test Kit Do you have unusual colours, smells and taste from your water? Got a question and cant find the answer here? Please get in contact
Swimming Pools
It is vital to ensure high water quality in your pool, spa or hot tub. Test water regularly to ensure the correct amount of sanitiser is present and there are no bacteria and other contaminants. Option 1 Single use and disposable test strips: Using these Dip-Wait-Read test strips for completing your Spa and Pool checks is by far the quickest and easiest way. They are economical, provide results in seconds, accurate and easy-to-use. These reliable visual test strips quickly report conditions for many water parameters, and are a great alternative to liquid kits. Option 2 Photometer: Ideal for customers, who test the water in their pool regularly and want quick and accurate results. The test results are displayed on the photometer. Option 3 Laboratory Test: detailed laboratory analysis for various parameters Find out more: How to look after your hot tub safely and test the water regularly
Free Resources
Why Test Your Water?
How To Use Our Water Test Kits
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